This weekend is my 4th anniversary with Luke.... well sort of. We actually "hooked up" on New Years Eve hehe, but this weekend is the anniversary of when we got together properly and had our first date.
After you've been with someone for four years, it's easy to forget the magical good times and just remember the here and now, but I like to use this time of year to remember our story. This year I'm sharing it with you too!
So, it was Christmastime 2005, my best mate had a new boyfriend, and I was going through a really weird phase in my life, so I took to hanging out at my best mate's boyfriend's house a bit. I've since found out that every group of boys has a "drop in house" and this was it. Anyway, there were a lot of summer BBQ's in their backyard, and all of his friends seemed to drop in a lot. One caught my eye. He had a wicked sense of humour, a cute smile, gorgeous eyelashes and sometimes he'd look at me when I was talking and he was listening and the look on his face was so intense that I. Would. Just. Die. A. Little.
On to New Year's Eve. There had been a lot of flirting up to that point, but there was something in the air that night. My best mate and another close girlfriend of mine decided to spend the night at my best mate's new boyfriend's mates house, because they were having a backyard party. Meh, why not, I thought. I didn't know Luke also lived there. Anyway, we made jelly vodka shots to take along. We walked in, I saw Luke and wow, my heart fluttered. I played it cool. After a billion jelly shots, I worked up the courage to ask my best mate's boyfriend if he thought Luke would mind if I kissed him. He laughed and gave me a funny look.
Another billion jelly shots, I decided I needed a glass of water. I walked into the kitchen, drank a glass of water, and someone snuck behind me and put their arms around me. Wow, what a warm hug that was. I turned around and we had our first kiss. Oh, it was good. So good. Then Luke told me that he had bought new bed sheets that day (???) would I like to see them? I blame the jelly shots. I will spare you the details, suffice to say that when we walked back out to the party, everyone gave us a big cheer. Hmmm. Now do you see why I can't get married to Luke? What do you think the best man's speech is going to be like?
So we counted down to 12am, I got another lovely kiss, and despite Luke's protest, I decided to go home for the night. Like I said, I was going through a weird phase in my life, I didn't need anything complicated.
So home I went.
The chase began.
Luke would call me, text me, all hours of the day and night. Oh he was obsessed. One day he just turned up at my house? That was a strange situation, he wouldn't sit still the whole time he was there. He would do weird things like call me at 11pm, tell me he has insomnia (which I now know is a COMPLETE lie - that boy is asleep before his head hits the pillow) would I like anything because he was going to the service station for some supplies? Yeah right. Was he kidding? So he could come over my house at 11pm at night? Huh, he must think I was an idiot. No thanks, good night.
NOBODY believes this part of my story about me and Luke. Pffft he didn't chase you Bel, c'mon now. He's not very expressive. But he did chase me, hard. Once on the phone, he told me that I was everything he wanted in a girlfriend. I didn't realise the significance at the time.
Three weeks later, I gave in, and agreed to let him take me out, but I was very clear that it was ONLY for a drink, NOT for dinner, because dinner is far too serious, and I wasn't into that.
On 24 January 2006, he walked up the driveway to my house, fidgeting in a nice white shirt (which I later found out was ironed by his female room mate hehe) and what smelt like an entire bottle of cologne. I got my jacket, we walked down to his car. "Where's your hilux?" "Oh I sold it, i need a van because I'm starting my own electrical business". Mmmhmm, I thought, so he's a dreamer.
We went to the Saint, for a drink. The whole time, he kept saying how hungry he was, was I sure that I didn't want dinner? No thanks, just the drink. The whole time, I remember being nervous, and fidgety. It was getting late, it was time for him to take me home, but as we walked back out to the car, this torrential summer storm started. Argh it was such heavy rain. I got soaked, my shirt went see-through, my jeans were all wet from the puddles. "Come and warm up back at my place, we can watch a movie, then I'll take you home". I felt bad for him, so I went.
His room mates went to bed as soon as we walked in the door. Strange, because it was about 8pm. We watched Shrek. He said it was his favourite movie. Mmmhmm I thought, he likes fantasy.
It finished just before 10pm, and he asked me to stay the night. I hesitated, for a long time. There was a fairly awkward silence. He leant over and whispered in my ear "it's okay, we don't have to... do anything, I just want to sleep next to you". How could I resist? Besides, he said, he was leaving for work at about 5.30am and he could drop me home then.
So into his bedroom we went. I refused to take my jeans off. or my shirt. I slept in my clothes alllll night. How uncomfortable. He offered me a pair of his boxers, but I didn't want them - then I'd have to take my jeans off in front of him and he'd see my sexy date underwear and I didn't want to give him any ideas. And yep, the bottoms of my jeans were STILL wet from the rain.
It was a long long night. Made even weirder by the fact that every time I turned over (uncomfortable in all my clothes), I'd look over at him and he was LOOKING at me. EVERY time. 5.30am came around before I knew it, and he dropped me home and went off to work.
I went inside my house and slept all day.
The next day, I went on a planned trip to Kalgoorlie for the Australia Day long weekend with my friends. A wonderful weekend, but Luke would call me, like EVERY hour. And ask me whether I had met any nice "boys" there. Uh huh, he's pretty keen, I thought.
Anyway, to cut a long story short, absence makes the heart grow fonder, I came back from Kalgoorlie and it was on. And very serious, right from the start. He fell for me, hook, line and sinker. At the beginning, he kept telling me "I could see you falling hard for me" and dammit he was right. Every now and then, he'll look at me with this very intense look and I'll think, yep, that's it, right there, that's what got me in the beginning, that's what get's me now.
Even though now is less conversations about the hopes and dreams for our lives, and more "Babe, can you PLEASE STOP LEAVING YOUR SOCK PILES ALL OVER THE HOUSE!!!". Although I think that's because now, the hopes and dreams for our lives are the intertwined =)
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