Tuesday, November 18, 2008

9 Things I Like About Right Now (Homebody Themed)

  1. Coming home from work during daylight savings and watering the vegie patch
  2. Sitting on my favourite seat on the couch and catching up on my shows after I've done the chores on a Saturday
  3. Cuddle times in the morning and then going back to sleep before my alarm goes off
  4. Wearing my cleaning thongs and cleaning up a storm
  5. The feeling of crisp dry washing that has dried in the sun
  6. Watching a scary movie with the new sound system turned up high with the sub pumping - makes it so much scarier!
  7. Cooking steak and salad for dinner
  8. Wandering around Bunnings on a Sunday, looking at cupboard handles and taps
  9. Waking up late on a Saturday morning, and the wind is blowing the bathroom door softly open and shut

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