Thursday, October 30, 2008
Quote of the Week: Leonardo Da Vinci
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Lobbying the Government to Oppose Internet Filters
There's no point writing letters to Senator Conroy. He came up with the proposal, and most pollies are prepared for opposition to their ideas and largely ignore it.
There's also no point writing to your local member. Once the electorate votes them in, pollies tend to forget about you all.
I recommend you target an MP that is likely to take up your cause. In most cases, this is usually someone in the opposition party of the time.
Yesterday's Sydney Morning Herald had an interesting article on Family First's support of the internet filter which had the Opposition's position included: "The Opposition said it would take 'a lot of convincing' for it to support the mandatory filtering policy, so the Government would need the support of Senator Fielding as well as the Greens and Senator Nick Xenophon to pass the legislation"
Also, the Leader of the Opposition, Malcolm Turnbull, seems to be pretty technology savvy - he even has a Twitter account!
So my advice is this: Write a letter or email to Malcolm Turnbull.
Include the following in the letter or email:
- explain why YOU think the internet filter is a bad idea,
- ask for his support in representing people that enjoy freedom of choice on the internet
- say that you would like your name put down on any petitions against the filter
- make sure you sign off with your full name and current home address
Carbon copy in Minister Conroy, Senator Xenophon & Senator Bob Brown (Leader of the Australian Greens).
Contact details for all of these MP's are available on the Australian Parliament home page by clicking here.
Who knows - maybe we can make a difference?
Monday, October 27, 2008
Restaurant Review: Blue Water Grill
Someone told me about this restaurant, up on the hill in Applecross that used to be Heathcote psychiatric hospital, and it piqued my interest. I heard stories of bumps in the night, and other supernatural happening, but all that aside, I wanted to go and stand in the spot where so much history was created.
After pestering boyfriends and family members to go there for a few years, my work decided to have 2 planning days in 2 months in one of their function rooms.

The view did not disappoint, neither did the function facilities, but the menu did.
I think to market a high end restaurant to the people of Perth, it really needs to have a stand out menu, to keep people coming back on special occasions. There was limited choice of mains, with ONE seafood choice, ONE meat choice, ONE chicken choice. And while the staff were very attentive, and the food on the menu was good, I just think that for it's reputation and for the price, it could have been a little more creative. I shouldn't have been bored with the menu on my second visit there.
I did enjoy learning about the history - from memory, the Catholic Church owned the site and were going to make it into a school, but then ended up donating it to the State Government with the provision that the site not be subdivided and sold off for land. The State Government at the time were looking for a suitable site for a psychiatric hospital and hey presto! West Australian psycho's resided in a facility with one of the best views of Perth for a number of years before it was converted to a restaurant, and museum.
Maybe I just had high expectations for the menu, but I hope to go to the sister restaurant, Frasers in Kings Park for my next "special occasion". I hear the steaks are melt-in-your-mouth nom-nom!
I would recommend the Blue Water Grill if you haven't been there before - but I would only recommend going once!
credit to for the image
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Recipe: Green Bean Salad with Homemade Dressing
4 leafs cos lettuce
1 punnet grape tomatoes
2 lebanese cucumbers
1 hass avocado
1 quarter red onion
handful of green beans
handful of snow peas
Olive oil
Balsamic vinegar
Seeded mustard
Minced garlic
1. wash and cut up lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado and red onion. Put in a big serving bowl.
2. Cut the ends off the snow peas, then put them in boiling water for 15 seconds. Rinse in cold water until cool enough to touch. Cut into bite sized pieces and add to salad.
3. Cut the ends off the green beans. Put in boiling water for 3 minutes. Rinse in cold water until cool enough to touch and add to salad.
4. Put a generous teaspoon of seeded mustard, a generous teaspoon of minced garlic and about 1 and a half tablespoons of oil and 1 teaspoon of balsamic (vary according to taste)
5. Mix well and serve!
TIP: salad doesn't last because avocado goes brown overnight - but putting a bit of lemon juice in sometimes helps.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
13 Things I Like About Right Now (Summer Themed)
- Singing along to the part of Pearl Jam's song Alive where it goes "now I can't see, I just stare"
- Not having to wear a jacket
- Looking forward to a black tie ball at the end of November
- Summer dresses
- Not feeling like I'm drowning in paper at work
- Looking forward to a little bit of time off between Christmas and New Years
- My soon-to-be unit in Dianella
- That little window of time in the morning where I wake up before my alarm and it's light outside and I can lie in bed and listen to the birds chirp.
- My new favourite thing to make: green bean salad with homemade dressing
- Being able to see my back fence due to the lawn being cut
- Leaving the windows open on a Saturday afternoon and being able to smell a bbq in the neighbourhood
- My newly painted pink toenails in open toed shoes
- Luke scratching the inside of my arm.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Just say no
I have this terrible affliction where I cannot stand to make people unhappy. So whenever I get asked things, I say "yes" even if I don't want to do them, or if it means I wont be able to do something else I have planned. This is particularly with my family.
I am getting better - but lately I've slipped. I've found myself going out to dinner when all I want to do is go to bed early so I can get up at 4.30am the next day for a flight, or smiling and nodding when I really want to say "I didn't want you to do that", or driving halfway across Perth to pick something or someone up, or spending the 3rd weekend in 3 weeks with the in-laws when I have SO much to do at home.
It makes me really angry with myself - because I SHOULD be able to just say no, but sometimes it's like there is a fault in my inner core that I can't change. But then I get frustrated when I can do it, because when I DO say no, it makes me feel super guilty, or someone who is used to my saying yes gives me a strange look, or makes a comment.
On the other hand, after I get over the guilt, or caring about what other people think, it makes me feel so good to put what I want first. Its very satisfying.
I guess this is one thing that I have to keep working on. And I have to accept it will take more than a year.
Monday, October 20, 2008
A big, expensive weekend
Friday night was lovely, I attended a work function at Sandalford Winery in the Swan Valley. Sandalford is my favourite Perth winery, I particularly love their Element Late Harvest at the moment. The function was held in their cellar room and it was lovely atmosphere. A lovely ex-MP was there - she used to be my mentor and it was great to see her again.
Saturday was extremely busy - I had a doctors appointment (just a checkup) then I had to go to Medicare to get my $ back, then I wanted to buy some work dresses but the store I wanted to get them from was closed, then I had to go to get my elmo eyebrow sorted, then I had a home open... and I put in an offer... and it was accepted! Yay. I didn't have to budge on my original offer very much, so I was very pleased. The unit has a lot going for it and it will rent out well. So that night we went to Craigie Tavern, to celebrate and it was soooo much fun! They were having a karaoke tonight and it was really funny. Then Lukey's brothers girlfriend got up and sang - she's a professional and everyone was telling her she should go on Australian Idol and in the end she told them the truth - that she already has a recording contract teehehehe.
Sunday morning we went to Yum Cha for breakfast with Luke's family, arggggh I would have much preferred to stay in bed! Then we went home and Luke and his brother started digging in the garden and found an underground drug lab! It was all filled in but you can see where it had chain lights up for the hydroponic set up. Weird. Then Sunday afternoon we went to the Saint to watch Luke's brother play in a band there which was fun, then last night we watched Black Snake Moan - great movie, then promptly fell into bed and passed out from exhaustion!
I've come back to work today for a rest! I hope next weekend is MUCH quieter ;)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
They only just figured this out now?
On that note, I found out the other day that I would have been secretly security checked in my govt job! I had no idea, but apparently because you have access to senior people, the powers that be check your bank accounts, to make sure you aren't susceptible to bribes, they check your overseas travel, they check your partner out, criminal record etc etc etc! I kinda feel a little dumb for not knowing about it, or even thinking it might have been a possibility! It's also a bit "big brotherish" to think that they've been in my bank accounts and I had no idea.
Ah well. I guess I passed the check anyway!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Houses, pre-nups and plane geeks
I always have. About 12 months ago, I moved in with Lukey. He owns his own house and I guess I just got into my comfort zone. Now I have a well paid job, I really want to make an investment. I want to own enough properties to retire eventually in comfort, and I would like to start now. I'm looking in Yokine, and my Dad's a mortgage broker, so he's done the numbers, and the price range that I'm looking at is well below what I would get approval for. And I've looked at my budget, and if I rent the unit out and continue to live with Luke, it would only be a little more than what I pay Luke in "rent" now.
I have spoken to Luke and we'll get an official financial agreement sorted out. Right now, because I'm paying him rent and it's all documented, unlike other defacto relationships, i wouldn't be able to do anything stupid like claim half the house if we broke up. He hates that I pay him rent, because he's of the old mindset that he's the man and hence the "provider" but I've been really clear that I don't expect him to have to pay for me. He's told me tales of having girlfriends that have mooched off him and I don't ever want to be like that.
If I buy a house, well, both houses will be for "our" future, I'll pay for mine (minus rent), he'll pay for his, and should the world end and we find ourselves not working out, I'll walk away with my unit and he'll walk away with his house.
I've spoken to so many people about this and they all think it's weird that we're getting a financial agreement (a pre-nup without the nuptials) but I really impress it on everyone - you need to get your money stuff sorted out upfront. Even if its all rosy now, it COULD eventually one day go sour, and fighting over money and possessions with a broken heart to boot is not fun. And if it doesn't go sour and you get married and have seventeen thousand children and celebrate your 90th birthdays together - then what have you lost really? Besides a couple hundred dollars in legal fees?
Anyway, the hunt is on for a 2x1 in Yokine. But K-Rudd's announcement that the first home owners grant is doubling is going to mean a lot less to choose from =(
In other news, the A380 came to Perth Airport today. I had to get up at 6am to deal with all the plane nerds. Weirdos. Some of them freaked me out. One particular guy was SO excited that I thought he was going to start crying. I don't get it.
Here's the nicest photo for y'all to see:
It is pretty beautiful I suppose ;)
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Nice Guys Finish Last
I can't work out an event leading to my general state of being pissed off, but everyone is copping my wrath.
One of the reasons I left my old job was because I was consistently left out of the action. It's important to me that I know what's going on with my team in order for me to do my job properly. There are 5 people in my team, and 2 of them are in communications. The seating arrangement doesn't help. My boss and the 2 communication-ers are sitting together, and me and the PA are kinda on our own a little bit away. So if something's going on, he'll often tell them about it first, and if they are talking about something I have to be involved in, I have to get up, walk about 10 metres, and then try and pick up what is being said after missing most of the conversation. There have been a few incidents where something is going on (good and bad) and they've taken off and handled it and I've just been sitting at my desk doing my normal work cos I haven't been involved in it.
Another issue is that Senior Management tend to perceive the junior communicationer as superior to me - when in fact I am in the same level as her boss. They perceive it that way because she is older than me, and in fact there are a number of times where I have been mistaken for the boss's PA and been asked to organise a meeting etc. I have quickly corrected them, but the general attitude around here seems to be that if you're young, you must be in administration.
People at work always comment that I'm smiling and happy, and a few people have noticed today that "I'm not myself". It just feels like I AM always putting on a nice face and it doesn't get me anywhere. Nobody does it for me, even when I need it really really really badly. I'm always going out of my way to help other people and they don't treat me the same way. So why should I bother?
I guess I just need to learn that nice guys finish last, and I shouldn't bother with the "never too much trouble" attitude.
So here's to looking after number 1 (me) for the next few days. I'm sure it will make me feel better, and hopefully everyone else in my team will notice the difference.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Movie Review: The Dark Knight
The last minute-ness was good for me, research is part of my job description, and it kind of rolls into my personal life. Before I do anything, it is researched to within an inch of its life and I get all these preconceived ideas. Going into the Dark Knight, I had no idea what to expect, other than hearing that it was Heath Ledger's best performance, so I was pleasantly surprised. I hadn't liked any of the previous Batman movies, I found them to be too far out there.
This one was great though, easy to follow, could be picked up if you hadn't seen previous Batman movies, and the romance written into the plot kept us WAGs interested.
And as for Heath Ledger, well, I don't think I can properly describe his performance in words. He was fabulous. I really liked Heath as an actor, my most favourite of all his performances was in Candy - a story of drug addiction and love, set in Sydney with Abbie Cornish playing the lead. However, I think he was better in the Dark Knight. When he died from a drug overdose, a lot of the commentary was along the lines that he took sleeping pills etc because he would get so far into his character that he couldn't switch off. He really plays that out in the Dark Knight. The Joker's obsessive mannerisms come through and its made really believable. The special effects and makeup rocked right out too.

Maggie Gyllenhaal's performance was good too - I've never really liked her as an actress, I guess to be brutally honest, she isn't feminine enough for me, and she's always played supporting roles not female leads, but in the Dark Knight she really got my attention.
Definitely a must see. I give it 4 out of 5. Which is good for me being as it's not a romantic comedy teehee.
Credit to for the image
Friday, October 3, 2008
Champagne tastes on a beer budget

It is ridiculously difficult because I want a Georg Jensen ring SO badly. I guess advertising really works on me! But I have wanted a Georg Jensen Fusion Ring for years and years. Possibly since they were designed in 2000! The scary thing is that now it is in the realms of possibility.
Until recently, I also really badly wanted this Oroton bag:
It's the Ebony Brief Tote. I got a tax return this year and spent it on my beautiful bag. It's just gorgeous. It fits everything in like a briefcase (I'm often going off site to meetings or taking work home) but is still super stylish. I'm a little bit in love with it.
I moved out of home when I was barely 18. The rental market was not as crazy, but I studied full time and worked 26 hours a week to pay the rent. It was a real struggle - I remember going to my parents for dinner quite often because I had nothing to eat!
I had champagne tastes on a beer budget.
But I got there. Now I'm finished uni, I have a wonderful job, and I have champagne tastes on a champagne budget and its a lovely change.
I know its terrible to spend so much money on one single vanity item, but the georg jensen rings are just so beautiful! I might send Lukey a not-so-anonymous hint email hehe.
Or maybe I'll just keep dreaming and wanting? Sometimes it's good for the soul to not always get what you want!
Credits to and for the pics
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Queen's Birthday public holiday
Apparently it's because WA Foundation Day public holiday is on the first Monday in June, so to avoid two public holidays in two weeks, the Governor of WA proclaims the day WA celebrates - usually the last Monday in September or the first Monday in October. Weird huh?
Anyway I had a lovely long weekend - Luke and I went to the tip twice and bought doors for the renovation rescue we're having at home.
I was slightly pissed at having to go to the tip twice - we asked Luke's mum if we could borrow their trailer to load it up with various crap (old carpet, old curtains) that we've been piling up. Anyway, Luke's mum and stepdad said yeah no worries, we're not using it, so we drove around there (literally 2 minutes away) and they were out in the garden filling the trailer up! It was full! So before we could use the trailer we had to wait for half an hour til they'd finished their gardening, then go to the tip and empty it out full of their crap (half a tree, 17,000 old pot plants etc). Then we went home, filled it up with our stuff and had to make a second trip - we actually should have made a third - but because of all the stuffing around, we ran out of time. Gah. I guess once we got into the swing of it, it was okay, but I swear - it happens every time, so next time we need a trailer, I'll be down at the BP hiring one for $30 (the first trip tip cost about that much anyway!) It was a lovely tip though (I never thought I'd say that). It was Tamala Park, and it didn't even smell!
As for the doors - well we went to bunnings, and I was quite surprised, we got really simple interior doors and a front door with horizontal glass panels, but with handles and locks etc - it was $500! And we still have to pay for the carpenter... They will look nice though.
Other highlights of the long weekend was seeing The Dark Knight (review pending) and finishing it off with a planning day on the Tuesday for work - at the Bluewater Grill (review pending!)
I hope you all had a lovely long weekend too =)