The last minute-ness was good for me, research is part of my job description, and it kind of rolls into my personal life. Before I do anything, it is researched to within an inch of its life and I get all these preconceived ideas. Going into the Dark Knight, I had no idea what to expect, other than hearing that it was Heath Ledger's best performance, so I was pleasantly surprised. I hadn't liked any of the previous Batman movies, I found them to be too far out there.
This one was great though, easy to follow, could be picked up if you hadn't seen previous Batman movies, and the romance written into the plot kept us WAGs interested.
And as for Heath Ledger, well, I don't think I can properly describe his performance in words. He was fabulous. I really liked Heath as an actor, my most favourite of all his performances was in Candy - a story of drug addiction and love, set in Sydney with Abbie Cornish playing the lead. However, I think he was better in the Dark Knight. When he died from a drug overdose, a lot of the commentary was along the lines that he took sleeping pills etc because he would get so far into his character that he couldn't switch off. He really plays that out in the Dark Knight. The Joker's obsessive mannerisms come through and its made really believable. The special effects and makeup rocked right out too.

Maggie Gyllenhaal's performance was good too - I've never really liked her as an actress, I guess to be brutally honest, she isn't feminine enough for me, and she's always played supporting roles not female leads, but in the Dark Knight she really got my attention.
Definitely a must see. I give it 4 out of 5. Which is good for me being as it's not a romantic comedy teehee.
Credit to for the image
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