Thursday, October 16, 2008

They only just figured this out now?

I read this story this morning ("Parliament Descends into Childish Behaviour") and wow what a revelation! I can't believe they're only reporting on this now - when I was working in (state) government, I used to catch question time on a regular basis - not because I needed to for my job, but because everyone would sit around and watch it for entertainment. The antics that go on are really funny, until you start thinking about how much we taxpayers pay for pollies to make digs at each other.

On that note, I found out the other day that I would have been secretly security checked in my govt job! I had no idea, but apparently because you have access to senior people, the powers that be check your bank accounts, to make sure you aren't susceptible to bribes, they check your overseas travel, they check your partner out, criminal record etc etc etc! I kinda feel a little dumb for not knowing about it, or even thinking it might have been a possibility! It's also a bit "big brotherish" to think that they've been in my bank accounts and I had no idea.

Ah well. I guess I passed the check anyway!

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